About the site

Dear friend,

this site is our long awaited project. Its purpose is to help those people who are looking for answers to the main questions of life. On the pages of this site, we try to give answers to these questions:

  • What is the main thing for a person?
  • What are the main laws by which human life is arranged?
  • Where to look for happiness in life?
  • How to achieve success in life?
  • How to find a life partner?
  • Where can troubles lie in wait and how to avoid them?
  • How to build relationships with different people?
  • Etc

The answers to these questions should come from our fathers and mothers, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case.
This site is intended to help those people who could not get answers to emerging questions from their mentors.

But this site will also be useful for parents and / or mentors: it will be useful in helping parents prepare their children for life by equipping them with the wisdom of the One who created this life. For this, seeds of wisdom from the Bible are used, especially from the book of Proverbs.

This is the main reason why we decided to create this site. Through it, we passionately desire to help people find their way in life and not go astray.
We will be happy if the information on this site will help at least one person find answers to the most important life questions!

We believe that the information on the site will be especially useful for those who feel like we felt at the beginning of an independent life’s path – like a player released on the field who knows neither the goal nor the rules of the game.
Why? Because young people at the beginning of their life are most often simple-minded, have no experience and, by and large, do not know how life works. They still do not know how to reason, how to analyze and compare known facts, how to read the signs that are sent to us on the path of life, they do not know what to pay attention to in various life situations.

The information on this site is not declared by us to be absolute truth, but is our personal observation. However, on this site we share only those statements that we have verified through personal experience.

We urge you to think carefully about the content of the articles on this site, and if you disagree with something, then please write about it in the comments to the publications.

Sincerely yours,
Team of the site ‘With Sanity’.

The story of Vyacheslav, one of the creators of the site ‘With Sanity’

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