Why Did God Allow It

I think that every person, at least once in his life, wondered why life was so unfair to him, why did God allow it.

Once, when I was going through a difficult period in my life, when I was evaluating what I had achieved by middle age, I realized that a big role in my failures in life was played by the fact that my own father was unable to prepare his son for life. Only a father can put confidence in his son that he will be able to cope with the problems that arise in an independent life, no matter how large these problems are.

I was deprived of this, because my father, when I was 12 years old, was injured and became a disabled person who could only move in a wheelchair. After that, all his life he was in a depressed state and more ‘withdrew into himself’, not taking a noticeable part in the affairs of his son. As a result, I was left without the guidance of my father, which I really missed in my life.

Life was obviously unfair to me if comparing my circumstances with those of my peers.

I also discovered other similar circumstances with which my peers were doing much better than me. I saw that it was these factors that helped people to have achievements in life and cope with emerging problems.

nalyzing the events of my life, I clearly realized that in this and in some other situations, everything looked as if God was clearly more favorable to other people than to me. This was especially evident in situations of conflict with other believers.

The Bible makes an unambiguous statement:

“Then Peter began to speak: “I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism, …”” (Bible, Acts, chapter 10, verse 34).

Why does God allow this? Why is there such a high level of inequality between people in absolutely all spheres of life?

My painful reflections at first did not lead to any answer, but then, I suddenly realized that these questions tormented many people at all times. These or those circumstances could be different, but the essence remained the same.

I thought that there are people to whom life seemed even less fair than to me. I thought about disabled children and aborted children.

A particularly striking example – is the life of Nick Vujicic, a believing son of believing parents.

I thinked like this: “He is the Creator of everything, He can control everything! Why does God allow this, if He is Almighty?”

In fact, this is a very serious life question and a lot of people were disappointed and left God because they could not answer this question.

Then I thought about Jesus Christ, who could easily be delivered from the painful crucifixion, but nevertheless went through the barbaric execution on the cross. Life was supremely unfair to Him!

I realized that these are the keys to the answer to the question before me!

Unraveling this thread of Ariadne I figured out a few things:

1) No matter how hard life is, it is still a blessing of God;

2) It is obvious that all those great troubles that came into the world through the fall of Adam are still in the world. Through the example of His Son Jesus Christ, God shows every person that there really are good reasons why this is still going on.

3) If, using common sense, we turn to biblical revelation, then you we see several reasons why this happens. I have identified for myself several reasons why this is still ongoing, but all the reasons are known only to God. I became convinced that God is really impartial.

For example: one of the reasons is the freedom that is given to a person. The flip side of freedom is responsibility. God has delegated great power to man. The consequence of this is that the reason for many of the tragic events that take place is not that God does not fulfill his role, but that people turned out to be unfaithful in their area of ​​responsibility, in which God delegated power to them.

God’s plan is that man should reign in his life, being guided by God’s principles, in close communion with God, praying and consulting with Him. Without this, a person walks in darkness and is capable of harming himself, others and even his descendants.

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”” (Bible, John, chapter 8, verse 12).

4) This state will remain until the moment when the new earth and the new heaven appear. At that time:

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Bible, Revelation, chapter 21, verse 4).

Based on this, I made several very important conclusions for myself:

The main gain of believers in God is not a life free from troubles and blows of fate, but the fact that they can go through all the same problems as unbelievers, but not alone, but together with the faithful God. In the lives of believers, there may be even more troubles than unbelievers.

Our main treasure is the Lord Himself, personal relationships with Him, and not what He gives, not His blessings!

The main goal in the life of believers is to love the Lord, overcoming everything.

There is no truth in my life more important than this. This is the most valuable discovery I have made in my life.

This truth is the foundation of my personal relationship with God, which allows me, through the clouds of failures, illnesses and troubles, to continue to have the calm confidence that the Lord still loves me and He will not leave me even in the most difficult situations.

This is one of those jewels that Jesus told about in the parable:

“… But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Bible, Matthew, chapter 6, verse 20).


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