Why Did God Allow It. Part 2.

In an article published earlier, I began to look at the reasons why things can happen in our lives that hurt us, and which lead to the question: why did God allow it?

In the current article, I want to continue the study of this topic.

I wrote earlier that I thought a lot about this topic, since I myself needed answers to the question: why did God allow difficult events in my life..

In my reflections, I tried to compare biblical truths with the events of my own life. After much and painful reflection, I was able to come up with a few insights that helped me understand the reasons why painful events can occur in people’s lives, and what role God plays in all of this.

Here is the most important reason I found:

The main root cause of tragedies in people’s lives is that humanity, in the person of Adam, chose a life independent of the Creator, in complete separation from Him.

It was the free decision of man, within the bounds of the great freedom that was granted to him. The Creator Himself gave this freedom to man and He was forced to accept the choice that man made, although this choice wounded His heart!

The history of the beginning of this great tragedy is set forth in the Bible, in the third chapter of the book of Genesis.

Adam’s choice was that he refused to believe the words of the Creator, and chose to believe and act as he offered him the fallen angel – Satan, which was in the image of a snake.

Through this choice, Adam, and in him all mankind, fell into bondage to the enemy of God.

The plan of Satan was to take people hostage, in order to hurt the Creator. Satan’s attack on the created by the Creator of people was revenge for the defeat of his uprising against the power of God, which happened earlier. The history of Satan’s uprising and its final defeat is described in the Bible in the various chapters.

Adam’s choice led to the fact that all people, including you, dear friend, and me, found themselves in a state of aggression and rebellion against our Creator, which is a source of life.

Since the Creator and the Lord are the source of both spiritual, mental and physical life, this gap led to the fact that death came into people’s lives, first spiritual death- separation from communion with the Creator, then mental and the last – physical.

The Bible says about this:

“… you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh a and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.” (Bible, Ephesians, chapter 2, verses 1-3).

Thus, people themselves have erected a great wall of sin, rebellion and independence between themselves and God.

And now, every baby that is born into this world inherits this state of separation from God, and therefore from His guidance, help and protection.

This is the root cause of all the troubles that exist in the world – the consequences of the choice of Adam, our forefather.

But do not rush to blame Adam for all the troubles! Each of us born on earth is a continuation of our forefather Adam. Here’s what the Bible says about it:

“Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned” (Bible, Romans, chapter 5, verse 12).

What to do? Is everything really hopeless and are we doomed to eternal rebellion and separation from the Creator, the end of which is eternal damnation and oblivion in hell?

If, after the choice made by Adam, the Creator would completely take away His mercy and protection from the human race, it is difficult to imagine how painful the fate of each person would be and how many years people would remain on this earth.

And after suffering on this earth, without a single ray of hope, people, one and all, would share the fate prepared for Satan and his angels, to go:

“… into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” (Bible, Matthew, chapter 25, verse 41).

The greatest miracle in the universe is the great and inexplicable love of the Creator for His creation, and first of all for man.

This love was expressed in the fact that the Creator did not completely turn away from people, leaving them to taste the fruits of their choice, but immediately began a rescue operation, the key moment of which is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The story of saving people from the consequences of Adam’s choice is set out in the book ‘The Blood Covenant: The Scarlet Thread of the Bible’ by Sten Nilsson.

This book made an indelible impression on me, letting me see the very red thread that binds the entire biblical narrative, and making it clear the main meaning of the message of the Bible to people.

Thank God that He, by His good will, despite the choice of people, gives each person one more chance to return to Him and restore broken relationships, be reborn to a new life and regain His protection and patronage. That is why Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, died and rose again on the third day!

Symbolically, this story is shown in the parable of the prodigal son (Bible, the Gospel of Luke, chapter 15).

The story of how I took advantage of the opportunity and returned to my Creator and Lord is given here. A key step along the way was my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.

Restoration and reconciliation with God through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as one’s Savior and Lord brings great and good changes to a person’s life.

Among these good changes is the patronage and protection of the Creator.

I was convinced of this in my own life, having gone through many situations in which His protection and patronage were obvious. There are so many other stories from many believers that confirm this.

This does not mean that the life of a believer becomes completely cloudless, as God can use difficult situations in the life of believers, for their good plans for the person himself and for other people. But the difference between life before restoring relations with God and after that, huge.

It is a great blessing to be able to maintain inner peace and calm in the most adverse situations, knowing that the Lord is near, and all circumstances are under His control!

Dear friend, in the following articles in this section, I will continue to consider this topic.


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