Invisible beauty

Dear friend, I think you have noticed how different the feeling of meeting people can be. When communicating with some people, it becomes easy and, as if wings are growing behind your back. With other people, even after 5 minutes of communication, joy disappears and it becomes difficult.

Obviously, the reason for this lies in the inner world of the person with whom we met.
Thoughts, hobbies, actions of a person make an indelible mark on his inner world, on his personality. All this creates a certain invisible, non-material atmosphere around a person. This atmosphere can range from fragrance to stench.

We feel the inner world of a person, since when communicating with people, in addition to exchanging replicas, there is also interaction at the invisible level of a person’s personality.

In this regard, I want to point out the important advantage of a person who has chosen for himself a life under the guidance of the wisdom that God has imparted to people through the Bible.

A man guided by wisdom is guided by God himself. In this case, wisdom produces beneficial changes in the thoughts, hobbies and actions of a person. And this, in turn, affects the inner world of a person. Invisible beauty and invisible spiritual fragrance appear.

Such people are not faced with the question of ‘how to find friends’ or ‘how to get rid of loneliness’, because other people begin to reach for them, smelling the invisible fragrance and feel the invisible beauty.

In Lev Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”, there is a character of Princess Mary. Using this woman as an example, Lev Tolstoy was able to show how an outwardly ugly person can have invisible inner beauty.

In the novel, this girl, who seemed to have no chance of a happy marriage, married for love Nikolai Rostov, one of the main characters of the novel, with whom she found family happiness.

The Bible describes this in the following words:

“They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck” (Proverbs, chapter 1, verse 9).

Another example is Agnes the ‘guardian angel’ of the protagonist of Charles Dickens’s novel ‘David Copperfield’:

“… and I don’t love Agnes—no, not at all in that way—but I feel that there are goodness, peace, and truth, wherever Agnes is.”

“I pray Heaven that I never may forget the dear girl in her love and truth, at that time of my life; for if I should, I must be drawing near the end, and then I would desire to remember her best! She filled my heart with such good resolutions, strengthened my weakness so, by her example, so directed—I know not how, she was too modest and gentle to advise me in many words—the wandering ardour and unsettled purpose within me, that all the little good I have done, and all the harm I have forborne, I solemnly believe I may refer to her.”

“‘I am charmed, Copperfield,’ said Mr. Micawber, ‘let me assure you, with Miss Wickfield. She is a very superior young lady, of very remarkable attractions, graces, and virtues. Upon my honour,’ said Mr. Micawber, indefinitely kissing his hand and bowing with his genteelest air, ‘I do Homage to Miss Wickfield! Hem!'”

At the end of the novel, after all the upheavals and adventures, this girl marries the main character of the novel and finds family happiness with him.

Dear friend, let these examples help you move through life under the guidance of wisdom and spread the invisible scent of inner beauty around!


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